Changes in the Supervisory Board and Executive Board

Emder Hafenförderungsgesellschaft e. V. (EHFG) has restructured its personnel. This was announced by Timo Siebahn, Managing Director of EPAS-Ems Ports Agency & Stevedoring Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG (EPAS), who was elected as the new Chairman of the EHFG Supervisory Board. He succeeds Jan Remmers, Managing Director of Anker-Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH, who had led the association since 2017. Manfred de Vries, Managing Director of Autoport Emden GmbH, became Deputy Chairman of the EHFG Supervisory Board. He succeeds Dr. Bernhard Brons, CEO of AG "Ems", who had relinquished his seat on the Supervisory Board after more than 30 years. The EHFG thanked Remmers and Dr. Brons for their many years of commitment to the association. Also gives, Karsten Dirks, a big thanks. He is relinquishing his office as a member of the Supervisory Board due to a new professional position outside Emden.

 There has also been a change in the EHFG Executive Board. Claas Mauritz Brons relinquished this task after three years of successful work because he now lacks the time for further involvement in port promotion due to his extensive entrepreneurial activities. He is succeeded by Reinhard Hegewald from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for East Frisia and Papenburg. The former member of the Lower Saxony state parliament will perform his board work in addition to his duties at the chamber.


Die EHFG, zu deren Hauptaufgaben die Vermarktung des Emder Hafens und die Interessenvertretung gegenüber der Politik gehört, will ihre Präsenz in Hannover erhöhen. Siebahn: „Die Landespolitik ist für unseren Landeshafen nach wie vor von großer Bedeutung, weil viele Infrastruktur-Entscheidungen für Emden von der Landespolitik gefällt werden. Deswegen werden wir künftig häufiger im Landtag und bei der Landesregierung aufschlagen“. Darüber hinaus will die EHFG ihre Kontakte zu Behörden intensivieren und auch im Ausland für den Hafen werben.

Supervisory Board and future Executive Board of EHFG

Marcel Diekmann, Managing Director of Ems Maritime Offshore GmbH, Manfred de Vries, Reinhard Hegewald, Lord Mayor Tim Kruithoff, Timo Siebahn, Jan Remmers, Frank Wessels as Chairman of the Nautischer Verein zu Emden e.V. and Aiko Hollander, Branch Manager of Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co. KG (from left). Photo: private. Copyright: EHFG