J. MÜLLER inaugurates 62,000 square meter photovoltaic plant in the seaport of Brake.
The J. MÜLLER Group celebrates the official inauguration of its photovoltaic system in the seaport of Brake on 12.04.2024. The event marks a significant milestone in the sustainable energy supply of the company and the region.
The J. MÜLLER photovoltaic system comprises a total of ten hall roofs with a total area of 62,100 m² and a PV output of 12.8 MWp. It generates a solar yield of 959 kWh and avoids 5,804,000 kg of CO₂ emissions per year. The energy generated could supply around 3,400 households with electricity per year.
The inauguration took place in the presence of high-ranking guests and representatives from politics, business and society. Among them was Niedersachsens Energy Minister Christian Meyer, who emphasized the great importance of this project for the climate and environment and the efforts to transform the seaport of Brake into a "green port" in his welcoming address. "Photovoltaics is an important part of our energy transition. I am therefore delighted to be able to help inaugurate such a powerful and large PV system today," said Minister Meyer. "Niedersachsen is increasingly becoming a photovoltaic state. This is shown by the record growth in 2023 with an installed capacity of over 1,400 megawatts, twice as much as a year earlier. Alongside private homeowners, companies are a key pillar in this, as the example of the J. MÜLLER Group shows. However, the state is also setting a good example with its buildings. From this year, all new public buildings must be equipped with PV systems. From 2025, this will then apply to all new buildings. Permits for the installation of solar modules have been made much easier. The potential on large roof areas of logistics and industrial buildings of over 5,000 m² alone is estimated to be 3,000 MW in Niedersachsen. In Brake, we can see how this important potential can be exploited."
Jan Müller, Vorstandsvorsitzender der J. MÜLLER AG, begrüßte die Gäste herzlich und betonte die Bedeutung der Photovoltaikanlage für das Unternehmen und die Umwelt: „Die Einweihung unserer Photovoltaikanlage ist ein Meilenstein in unserem Bestreben, nachhaltige Energielösungen zu implementieren. Wir sind stolz darauf, einen wesentlichen Beitrag zum Umweltschutz zu leisten und gleichzeitig unsere Energiekosten zu senken.“
Cedric Witten, Head of Technology/IT at J. MÜLLER Weser GmbH & Co. KG, presented the technical details of the system and performed the commissioning ceremony. "Our photovoltaic system is the largest in the ports of Niedersachsen and will help to improve our carbon footprint. We now produce more than 30 percent of the electricity we need ourselves."
The realization of this extensive project was made possible by the collaboration with various cooperation partners. "We would like to thank our partners, including Commerzbank, Björn & Peter Renken, Schulz Systemtechnik and EWE Netz GmbH for their support in implementing this project," emphasized Jan Müller.
J. MÜLLER photovoltaic system in the seaport of Brake Investment sum: 11 million euros Area of the total of ten hall roofs: 62,100 m² PV output: 12.8 MWp Solar yield: 959 kWh Number of PV modules: 31,000 [1.7 x 1.1 m per module] Specific annual yield: 959.21 kWh/kWp PV energy generated per year: 12,278,000 kWh Self-consumption: 6,665,000 kWh/year [self-consumption share: 54%, degree of self-sufficiency: 37%] Avoided CO₂ emissions per year: 5,804,000 kg
Copyright: J. Müller AG