Taking responsibility and creating transparency

For more than 200 years, J. MÜLLER has been highly committed to innovation. In keeping with the company's motto "On course for the changing times". With the voluntary, proactive publication of its first sustainability report, the port service provider now also wants to actively communicate on the topic of sustainability.

"The primary goal is to create transparency across all areas of activity," emphasizes Uwe Schiemann, Sustainability Project Manager at J. MÜLLER. The report makes clear that the three pillars of sustainability - ecology, economy and social responsibility - are an integral part of the company's policy. Sustainable action across all areas of the company is essential in order to preserve our living space for future generations, the report emphasizes. Open to the ideas and innovations of the present, the J. MÜLLER Group is developing its plans for the future. The focus is on people and the environment.
Eine vertrauensvolle und offene Kommunikation auf allen Ebenen zum Kunden ist elementarer Bestandteil der Unternehmenspolitik. Der ständige Kontakt und die Beobachtung des Marktes zusammen ermöglichen Kundenzufriedenheit und Dienstleistungen, die spezifischen, aktuellen und zukünftigen Anforderungen gerecht werden.

The J. MÜLLER Group has set itself clear targets in the area of energy and the environment, backed up by specific measures: Electricity consumption is to be reduced by 2025 and building shells are to be renovated to make them more energy-efficient. Energy and other recycling, such as the recycling of waste materials, will be increased and waste reduced, according to the objectives. The sustainability report provides an outlook for implementing completely new processes alongside existing, established ones in order to evaluate further figures and create even more transparency with regard to climate protection.

In addition to climate protection, social responsibility is a top priority at J. MÜLLER. The employees make a significant contribution to the company's success. The Group therefore promotes the professional and personal development of its workforce and invests in future-oriented training and further education. The improvement of occupational health and safety is continuously being developed.
Durch die Erarbeitung seines ersten Nachhaltigkeitsberichts im Rahmen eines großen Teams aus engagierten Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern aus allen Unternehmensbereichen bindet J. MÜLLER seine Mitarbeitenden in die Themenbereiche Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz aktiv mit ein und fördert die Auseinandersetzung mit zukünftigen Fragestellungen.

The sustainability report explicitly mentions the great importance of ports for society. Ports are of the utmost strategic importance for Germany and, as part of global logistics chains, are systemically relevant for the German economy. With its imports of animal feed and grain, Brake makes a significant contribution to securing the supply of agricultural and food products in Germany and is, among other things, an important logistics hub for the German pulp market. A shortage of public funds for the adequate financing of port infrastructure measures and the need for sufficient funds for new investments and maintenance investments are also addressed in this context.

Forward-looking statements and forecasts
Certain statements in this press release are forward-looking statements. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could cause actual results or developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and assumptions may adversely affect the results and financial consequences of the plans and developments described in this document. There is no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, by means of a public announcement. Recipients of this press release should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. Statements contained in this press release regarding past trends or developments should not be regarded as statements that these trends and developments will continue in the future. The foregoing cautionary statements should be considered in connection with subsequent oral or written forward-looking statements made by J. MÜLLER or persons acting on its behalf.

Copyright: J. MÜLLER

J. MÜLLER sustainability team from left to right: Daniel Zinkgraf, Cedric Witten, Timo Schröder, Kaja Hanke, Christian Henning, Lejla Pasukan, Alicia Noack, Neele Evers, Uwe Schiemann, Christina Meyer, Sören Flensburg

Link to the sustainability report: